Monday, August 4, 2008

Ali had a Birthday

So this past Saturday I turned the big 22! Really nothing exciting happens when you turn 22, but I had a great day. I was pretty spoiled. Here are some highlights: I got to sleep in, but Trae my wonderful nephew called me around 8 and woke me up to see a wonderful song "Happy Birthday". He calls me YaYa, and he is adorable. Then we went to breakfast at the Craker Barrel. I had some awesome french toast. Then I got to torture Dusty and go see Mama Mia with him. (come to find out he didn't mind it as much as he thought he would. Who can resist ABBA!!!) Then I got a pedicure. It was a great way to top off the day. I have an amazing husband who thinks of everything. Thanks sweetie! Love you!


Leah Stallings Fine Art Photography said...

Happy Birthday!!! I meant to call you on Saturday but I am a huge space cadet (you can blame the children) But it sounds like you had a great day! And no, I don't have my copy of Breaking Dawn yet!!! I am pretty bummed about it! But I think that I will go and get it tonight! I was going to go to the release party but that didn't work out and then I was hoping that Luke would surprise me with it, but that didn't happen either! Have you got it? Is it everything that you hoped for? I hope that it doesn't disappoint me...I am sure it won't though. I didn't time it very well because I am in the middle of another book and it is going to have to be put on hold till I finish Breaking Dawn! Wow! That was long! I hope that you had an awesome Birthday and that you can drag out the festivities for the rest of the week!

Kara said...

Happy Birthday! I want to go see that movie is it any good?

Tia J said...

If I lived closer I would have gone with you before to see the movie cause I want to see it as well.

tiffany said...

Happy late birthday Ali! Did you love Mama mia? We saw the musical in Vegas a few weeks ago and Nate loved it too! Go ABBA! Hope you had a fabulous b-day! sounds like you did!

Jared and Jessica said...

sounds like you had a great birthday!

Jordan said...

I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday ON your birthday, but I had no way of getting it to ya! I was looking at my sister's blogs and saw you on the list so I thought I'd take a look. I hope you had a great birthday and that all is going well for you and Dustin. Take care!