Monday, July 20, 2009

Painting Projects

This weekend we were really productive, and by we I mean Dusty, Jeff and Kitani. :) I bought paint probably a good year ago to paint my bathroom. I just never got around to it, but have been thinking about it a lot these last couple of weeks. Well Friday while Dusty was at home, he taped off the bathroom so that we could get to work on Saturday. We got up and started painting. I called Kitani to ask her opinion on something, and her and Jeff showed up 15 minutes later and ready to work. We ended up painting the bathroom and an accent wall in our room an amazing color of purple. It is so dark and gorgeous! It is Hotel Room by Ralph Lauren. I love it!! Thanks guys for all of your hard work. You guys are awesome. And thanks Dusty for getting me going. It still wouldn't be done by the end of the year if it was up to me.

Jeff and Kitani got busy
These 2 were very aware of all the imperfections.
Jeff and I thought it looked good!

The finished bathroom
The bedroom wall
Sorry the pictures didn't come out that great, but you get the idea!


Tia J said...

Amazing!! I am impressed you started painting and I didn't have to help!

Travis and Sherise said...

I'm with you - painting hasn't gotten done at my house and we've lived here 6 months now! What good friends - that's awesome that they came over and helped. A project like that is way more fun if you have fun people to help you do it. Maybe that's my problem...

tiffany said...

how exciting! Looks great!

Alesha said...

How fun to have accent walls!