In June we moved into a new house that we built! It took about 6 months and we are so excited to finally be in. The newest update is that we just finsished our sprinkler system. Yeah!!! Dusty had a lot of help from his dad, brother, and Tyler. Thanks!
We also got to go out to Virginia to see our favorite nephew! It was so much fun. W
One of the most exciting things this year has been that
we were able to go see Celine Dion in Las Vegas at the end of August. We went with Shayla and her friend. It was awesome. I had always heard how great the dancing was, but it was even better in real life.
And since we couldn't get enough of Vegas the first time, we went down at the beginning of October. Shayla came with us again, and we had just as much fun if not more. It
was fun being able to see my mom and hang out with her. Dusty, Shay and I also went to the Tournament of Kings and we had out of control fun!
So that is just a little recap of our life and what we have been up to. I'll try to keep this entertaining!!!! Funny, funny.