So I was 100% lame this Thanksgiving holiday and only took 1 picture. But at least it was of Kinley :)
We spent Thanksgivivng with Dusty's family this year. His brother was working, so it was just the 3 of us and Dusty's parents. It was a good day! We ate yummy food, I got to take a nap, and just relaxed. It was a good Thanksgiving.

- My beautiful daughter
- My awesome husband that works so hard for our family
- Being able to stay home with Kinley
- My mom and trips to see her in Vegas
- My nieces and nephews, and I love that they all love Kinley so much
- My sister and all of her "mom" advice for me!
- Dusty's family and that they all live so close
- Amazing friends and all of their support
- Long baths, naps with Kinley, dates nights with Dusty
Of course there are MANY more but I am ready to go get in bed and have a good nights sleep. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!