We hope everyone has a fabulous Halloween weekend. Do something fun! We are going to see our new nephew in Idaho!!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I Wish...
This is a great video! And it made me wish that I worked there. (Oh and make sure that you watch the background as well)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Dress Shopping
Dakota and I met our freshman year of college. We were roommates and it hit off right away. We had so much fun together. From alberstons ice cream runs, to just hanging out in our room. We always had a good time. I will forever be grateful to Dakota for introducing me to her cousin, Dusty, who I later married.
Dakota came to me a bit ago with the exiciting news that she was getting married and wanted me to be her matron of honor. I of course said yes, and began brainstorming wedding details with her. We go back and forth all day long of "do you like this" and "what about that". It has been so much fun. This past Saturday we went dress shopping with her mom. I think Dakota tried on over 30 dresses, and it was tiring, for her mom and I. But we had such a great time, and she found a dress!!! Pretty impressive. (none of the dresses below are the ones that she chose)
Dakota and I up at the Gateway
She looked gorgeous in so many, so it was very hard for her to decide, but she did it! I am sure that there will be many more wedding posts to come.
Last weekend, Dusty took an early day off to hang out and we took full advantage and went up to Frightmares at Lagoon. We had a lot of fun. We rode the rides, watched the shows and even went through a Haunted House. It was very scary and Kitani and I decided that we didn't want to do any others. Jeff also played a couple of games, and won Kitani some prizes. It was a great night and it was fun to get out and about.
Who knew I could be Crafty?
Last week Kitani and I set out to do a project. We went to the Quilted Bear and Roberts. We found what we were looking for and started to work. I was a little nervous, I had never really made anything. I painted, used Mod Podge, and a Glue Gun. Wow, I am impressed. It turned out really cute and will go great in the living room. I am doing a red, white and black theme.
Now, I just need to figure out how to hang it. I have thought ribbon maybe, but do any of you have suggestions?
Friday, October 9, 2009
Were those Goblins?
It's that time of the year again, the leaves are changing colors, there are pumpkins everywhere, we get to start wearing your cute jackets, and Halloween is coming and with Halloween comes Thriller! I decided to not make the trip up to Salt Lake and see it this year in Provo with Kitani and Karly. It did not dissapoint. The dancing was amazing and I got to see all of my favs. Dem Bones, Salem Witch Trial, and of course Thriller. There is still plenty of time to get tickets up at Kingsbury Hall, if you have ever been or even if you have, I highly suggest that you go. It is worth it!!
Kitani was very scared of them!
He was able to watch the performance while on duty - he was watching for fires
At this time last year Kitani and I went to Thriller and had our first date!
It has been a great year.
Karly - I am so glad that you are now part of that tradition!
Love ya girlies!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Good Ol' Times
These weekend was full of lots of fun, laughter, memories, red robin, conference, the cold and a few episodes of Glee, my new addiction.
Whitney and her sweet husband Brady came down for conference weekend and we had a blast. Saturday night as the boys headed off to the priesthood session these 3 girls we reunited for a girls night out!

We made our way around Orem by stopping at Joanns, and we were very disappointed in that store that night, and running over the mall for a quick stop at Forever 21. Whitney was wanting everything in sight. We laughed so much, and even had a guy try to turn up some music to make us dance some more in one store. Whitney and I were a little creeped out. If anyone saw us they probably thought that we were in high school, nothing has changed much since then when we all get together. We always have the best time!!
We then met up with the boys to have an amazing dinner at Red Robin.
The girls
Brady and Whitney
I was glad that she was getting some action!
After a VERY eventful trip to Wal Mart that I am sure Dusty and Brady were glad that they missed out on, we headed back to the house and had a good time. Shayla surprised us with a new talent.

We finished off the night with 3 episodes of Glee. We were all laughing and even Dusty was liking it. We were so glad that Whitney and Brady came down for the weekend. We love them, and always have a GREAT time with them!! Come back soon.
Oh yeah, Dusty and I went to the BYU game on Friday night. It was a little chilly, but not as cold as I expected it to be. It was really fun, and I was glad to spend some time with Dusty!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Want to Win a Free Photo Session?
Karly Kim Photography is giving away a free photo session!
Go to the following links!!!!
For Free Family Pics http://karlykim.com/familycontest/
Or Free Engagements http://karlykim.com/contest/
You will love it!! 

Softball in the Freezing Cold
Who knew that the weather could get so cold.. so fast! Welcome to Utah! I was really enjoying the fall, so I am hoping that it comes back.
Last night while it was freezing and snowing just a little (what? in September?) I went with Kitani to watch Jeff play in a softball game. We came prepared. We wore hats, hoodies, coats and a couple of blankets. The only thing that I was lacking was some gloves, and my hands were the only thing that got too cold. You could tell that the players were feeling the cold as well. But it was fun to watch and Kitani and I had a great time.
Oh yeah and by the way, a couple of weeks ago, I made an apple pie from scratch! It turned out better than the one that I did last year. It was amazingly delicious!
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